Crypto Exchange
Deposit Fiat to Crypto using our On-Ramp. Withdraw crypto assets from a Fiat bank account within minutes!
No additional fees
Quick and user-friendly verification
5+ payment methods available
Instant exchanges
Easy integration
Secure crypto & fiat assets for your business
Buy Crypto (On-ramp)
Our on-ramp exchange service enables your businesses to facilitate fiat-to-crypto transactions easily. By integrating with our platform, your customers can securely convert traditional currencies into cryptocurrency, opening the door to fast, secure, and borderless payments. We handle compliance, payment processing, and security protocols, allowing you to offer a seamless crypto experience with minimal setup and maintenance.​
1. Choose crypto
2. Swap
3. Get crypto
Sell Crypto (Off-ramp)
Our off-ramp exchange service enables your business to accept crypto-to-fiat transfers. This service provides a convenient way to capture the growing crypto market while mitigating exposure to crypto volatility. We manage the exchange process and ensure regulatory compliance, allowing you to receive your funds in fiat with ease and reliability.
1. Choose fiat
2. Swap
3. Get fiat
Crypto swap
With our crypto swap feature, your business can offer seamless crypto-to-crypto transactions, catering to clients who want to diversify or exchange their digital assets. Our swap service supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, giving customers flexibility while you maintain the trust and security of a regulated platform. By integrating crypto swaps, you can enhance your service offerings and engage with a wider spectrum of crypto users.
1. Choose crypto
2. Swap
3. Get crypto